Alert - Funding for Independent Living Centers

Alert in bold white letters on a red background

The following alert is from the New York Association on Independent Living


We are reaching out directly to advocates like you in the districts of members of the Education Committees in the New York State Legislature. This is part of a targeted outreach campaign.

Our goal is to get you and people in your community to reach out to your elected representative to support Independent Living Center funding. Funding for ILCs falls under the Education budget and we are trying to address years of stagnant funding. This year we are asking for only $2 million spread across 41 Centers.

I urge you to take action and contact your representative at the link below. We will be sending more messages on this issue next week, but targeted outreach to YOUR representative by YOU is the most effective. Please share with your neighbors and friends living in the same district. We expect the state budget to be released later next week so your action today can still make a big difference. Visit our website to take action and help support Independent Living Centers in the Budget!

Thank you!

Alex Thompson, Director of Advocacy


If you are interested in disability advocacy issues like this one, contact Colleen Downs, Systems Advocate at:

518-563-9058 Ext. 110

The Mission of the North Country Center for Independence is to help people with disabilities to live more independent and productive lives, and promote better policies and community understanding of disability issues. NCCI serves people with disabilities, families, and the community on issues related to physical and mental disabilities. NCCI is led and staffed mostly by people with disabilities. It is one of the 41 Independent Living Centers in New York State. There are also hundreds of similar centers throughout the United States. NCCI serves Clinton and Essex Counties, New York.