Alert - Support Access To Home in the New York State Budget!

Alert in bold white letters on a red background

We are close to securing an increase to Access to Home in the state budget. The Assembly proposed a $1 million increase to Access to Home, while the Senate proposed $3 million. Do you think it's wrong that only 80 households were able to get home modification help in 2022? If yes, then make a call now to get increased funding for Access to Home.

• The program is currently only funded at $1 million statewide, serving only 80 households per year.

• As New York’s population ages and acquires disabilities a funding increase is necessary to ensure access needs are met.

• According to AARP, 3 out of 4 adults 50 and older want to stay in their homes and communities as they age.

• By 2030, New York’s 60+ population is expected to reach 5.3 million. Funding for home modifications is critical to the success of a Master Plan on Aging.

• The Executive and Legislature must ensure funding is increased in the final budget!

Take action and make five calls:

Ask them to support increased funding for Access to Home in the State Budget:

"Hello, I'm calling to ask that increased funding for Access to Home be included in the State Budget. Accessible housing for people with disabilities is very important to me and this program has only been funded at $1 million for a decade. Thank you."

Take action on social media and tag your representatives using hashtag #AccessToHomeNY

Share your story as a video