Tell Gov. Kathy Hochul: #FairPay4HomeCare

ALERT in bold white letters on a red background

The following alert is from New York Caring Majority -


So many of our folks are in Albany today fighting for Fair Pay for Home Care. We want to make sure our legislative champions continue to be fierce advocates for Fair Pay, now that Gov. Hochul is trying to *reverse* what we won last year.

Not all of us are able to be in Albany - but we need everyone to participate, no matter where you are. Here are some actions you can take today to support our crew in Albany:

1. Take action from home - print out this sign or make your own complete the sentence “Because of Home Care” and send us a photo of yourself with this sign or post it to socials directly

2. Follow and share the livestream - the event starts at 1:30

3. Share these posts on your social media

New York’s home care shortage will only worsen as the aging population grows — unless we win #FairPayforHomeCare. Join us:

Last year, @GovKathyHochul said home care is not minimum wage work. It only took her 9 months to go back on that promise. RT to fight for #FairPay4HomeCare

As New York’s population ages and the home care worker shortage grows, @GovKathyHochul is throwing gasoline on a fire. - @NYCaringMajority #FairPayforHomeCare

Home care workers are essential health care providers — and NYers won’t fill these roles until the pay fits the challenging work. The shortage speaks for itself. RT to fight for #FairPayforHomeCare

Go team! We’ll share highlights from today, any press coverage we get, and next steps soon.

Sending love to our whole crew,



If you are interested in disability advocacy issues like this one, contact Colleen Downs, Systems Advocate at:

518-563-9058 Ext. 110

The Mission of the North Country Center for Independence is to help people with disabilities to live more independent and productive lives, and promote better policies and community understanding of disability issues. NCCI serves people with disabilities, families, and the community on issues related to physical and mental disabilities. NCCI is led and staffed mostly by people with disabilities. It is one of the 41 Independent Living Centers in New York State. There are also hundreds of similar centers throughout the United States. NCCI serves Clinton and Essex Counties, New York.