Alert - New York State Equal Rights Amendment

Alert in bold white letters on a deep red background

The following alert is from the New York Association on Independent Living:

From our partners working on the NYS Equal Rights Amendment:

Join us as we advocate for the NYS State Equal Rights Amendment which would explicitly prohibit discrimination based on a person’s ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, and sex — including their sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy and pregnancy outcomes in the NYS Constitution.

With so much of the country turning back the clock on our movement toward justice, it is imperative that New York has a constitution that protects all New Yorkers from discrimination.

TELL LAWMAKERS: New York State must pass an Equal Rights Amendment that reflects true and lasting equality for all of our communities, including people with disabilities.

Click here to take action today!

Then share with your friends!

We must pass an Equal Rights Amendment worthy of the 21st century that protects us all.

If you are interested in disability advocacy issues like this one, contact Colleen Downs, Systems Advocate at:

518-563-9058 Ext. 110

The Mission of the North Country Center for Independence is to help people with disabilities to live more independent and productive lives, and promote better policies and community understanding of disability issues. NCCI serves people with disabilities, families, and the community on issues related to physical and mental disabilities. NCCI is led and staffed mostly by people with disabilities. It is one of the 41 Independent Living Centers in New York State. There are also hundreds of similar centers throughout the United States. NCCI serves Clinton and Essex Counties, New York.