Alert - Save The Home Care System!

ALERT in bold white text on a red background

The following alert is from New York Caring Majority


Save the Home Care System!

On October 1st a home care worker wage increase of $2 is set to go into effect because of your advocacy. It's not exactly Fair Pay for Home Care, but large health insurance companies are planning not to fairly compensate home care agencies. The current plan puts the home care system at risk - and we all know that means it's placing the lives of older adults and disabled people at risk! We are asking you to take action today on social media and by calling the Governor.

Take action

First, Call Governor Hochul

  • Dial 518-473-8390

  • Press "3", then "2" in order to speak to a person

  • Tell her: On October 1, minimum wage for home care workers will rise by $2/hour. Will you make sure that state funding is made available to support home care agencies, not just private insurance companies? If you don't, the entire home care system will collapse, and it is older adults and disabled people who will pay the price.

Next, share with your networks on social media

Here’s more details about what’s happening:

  • On October 1st, the minimum wage for home care workers will rise by $2 an hour across the state.

  • This is an important first step toward providing fair pay to New York’s essential home care workers — but it falls short of ending the home care shortage.

  • Not only is $2/hour woefully inadequate, but also there are serious issues with the implementation of the $2 raise.

  • Private insurance companies are keeping over 80% of the state funding used to administer and support these home care raises — instead of the money going to support the agencies that support these workers on the ground it's going to large private insurance companies.


If you are interested disability advocacy issues like this one, contact Colleen Downs, Systems Advocate at:

518-563-9058 Ext. 110

The Mission of the North Country Center for Independence is to help people with disabilities to live more independent and productive lives, and promote better policies and community understanding of disability issues. NCCI serves people with disabilities, families, and the community on issues related to physical and mental disabilities. NCCI is led and staffed mostly by people with disabilities. It is one of the 41 Independent Living Centers in New York State. There are also hundreds of similar centers throughout the United States. NCCI serves Clinton and Essex Counties, New York.