Statement On The George Floyd Protests

#BlackLivesMatter in white bold letters on a black background

The North Country Center for Independence supports the nationwide protests against racism and the brutal murder of George Floyd. NCCI supports the goals of the civil rights movement. We urge our leaders at the local, state, and federal levels to adopt antiracist legislation and policies ... including policies specifically designed to reduce police use of deadly force. Our nation is in need of correcting the inequalities and barriers to opportunity that all marginalized groups face, including people with disabilities, women, LGBTQ, Black, people of color, and other marginalized groups. We believe that peaceful protest is often the only way that marginalized people can make their voices heard and therefore support the Geoge Floyd protests.

Please review the statement below from the National Council on Independent Living for suggestions on how people with disabilities can participate in the efforts to bring about change even if you are unable to participate physically in the marches.

National Council on Independent Living Statement on Activism

Also, read:

The American Association of People with Disabilities Statement in Support of Racial Justice Organizers