Welcome To Our New Website!

Illustration of an address bar on a web browser with the start of a website address spelled out

Here is some of what you will find in NCCI's new website design:

  • Fewer pages and simpler, clearer navigation.

  • A more expansive, bolder layout.

  • A separate, complete layout for smartphones.

  • Information on NCCI's mission, services, and programs

  • A calendar of upcoming events.

  • Our old blog, with all past entries, now visible at the “News” page.

  • A link to make donations through PayPal.

  • An online issues and services survey.

  • Updated staff emails and telephone extensions.

  • An archive of past issues and action alerts on the “Advocacy” page.

  • An updated "Resources" page.

  • Links to NCCI's Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube pages.

  • The new site is Section 508 compliant for accessibility.

Please visit and have a look around. If you see anything that needs to be fixed, or if you have any suggestions for more improvements, let us know. You can send feedback on the website to this email address:
