Weekly Disability Reading List

Closeup picture of a monthly calendar, focused on a single week

Links to three disability-related articles shared last week on NCCI social media. You can always visit NCCI on Facebook and Twitter at the following links:

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New content is posted every day.

Trump’s attacks on Greta Thunberg expose sexist, ableist stigma
Anna North, Vox.com - September 24, 2019

No matter what you think about her cause or arguments, it’s interesting to see how Greta Thunberg’s autism powers her message and her determination, but is also used as a weapon against her by her opponents.

The Supreme Court, Domino’s, and web accessibility for the visually impaired
Richard Supple, Slate.com - September 30, 2019

Domino’s Pizza’s battle against requiring websites to be accessible is ironic, since making websites accessible is pretty easy … in many ways easier than building ramps and other elements of physical accessibility. Their opposition seems rather petty.

For Immediate Release: One in Ten Elected Officials Has a Disability
National Council on Independent Living - October 3, 2019

Rutgers researches again produce fascinating data on people with disabilities in politics … this time focusing on how many elected officials have disabilities. Click here to see a summary of the study itself.